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Orotti – Fried Rice Bread from Kerala

Malayalam is an extremely complex language and offers a wide array of expletives, many of which I have been a victim to (my fault, people would say). Even though the language offers a different swear word for each degree of animosity you feel, the most commonly used and loved one is the “Patti”. Patti _for dog. Why would you call your enemy a _patti, isn’t that kind of a compliment? You are inadvertently implying that he is a gentle, loyal and loving fellow (so loving that he drools all over you) and better than most humans you will probably meet in this lifetime. Patti is no insult unless you aim to insult the patti. Paavam.
Orotti is similarly a misplaced insult that people (read, my family) use to describe bread that is tough and cracks a tooth or two. “What is this, some kind of orotti?”, you would say as you flex your muscles to tear apart that bread. I think it has something to do with the name; OROTTI does sound tough. Whereas in reality, it is a delicious, flat bread from Ker

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Kozhi Pidi – Curried Chicken and Rice Dumplings from Kerala

Just like you expect a new generation movie to have atleast one divorce/extra marital affair, a few binge drinking and smoking sessions (and warning messages about the health hazards of the same flashing across the screen) and a lot of beeped out words, you expect a kozhi pidi to be something you need to run away from. Atleast that’s what people in my family tend to do. I hear some of them specifically request that kozhi pidi not be made when they visit relatives who are married off to Ernakulam region where pidi seems to be a specialty.
But such skepticism is totally unwarranted; skepticism towards new generation movies that comes from people who haven’t experienced the problems that the new generation faces and thereby can’t accept the movies as an exaggerated version of happenings in youngsters’ lives; and skepticism towards kozhi pidi especially when it comes from those who haven’t tasted or even seen kozhi pidi ever before.
Google reveals Kozhi Pidi to be basically rice dumplin

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Making Pathiri, Step by Step

The only time I ever ate homemade pathiri was at my friend Ays’s place. It was during the third year of our engineering course, when “mass recruitments” were in vogue; placement agencies were conducting recruitment drives ever so often to cope with the huge demand for freshers. (The scenario somehow reminds me of a fishing net bursting with sardines, and a happy fisherman flashing a toothy grin. Strange, eh?) How lucky for us, especially since the computer science stream was considered “dull” at the time we joined (this made many people join the electronics stream, though they finally found jobs as software engineers! I am still bitter about this!).
Though we had to prepare for these drives (solving Shakuntala Devi puzzles, aptitude and quantitative tests, reading project records, finding out the apt answers to “Why do you want to join our company”, “What do you know about our organization?” etc), we mostly had fun because it involved a trip to Cochin, and stay over at some friend’s p

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Tea Time with Pazham Pori / Ettakappam / Plantain Fritters

We Indians can be proud of the close family ties that keep us united whatever the conditions may be – for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, now and forever. When a bad time falls upon a family, everyone comes together to express solidarity and offer help and support, and surprisingly most of it is sincere.
Now that you have a background understanding of how things are, it would be wise to give you an insight on the ground rules required to fit in with the large family unit, assuming you are not familiar with it (say, you were brought up outside India?). For now, I choose the scenario of visiting relatives in hospitals because someone in the family is bound to be hospitalized sooner or later. (Morover, I am about to be hospitalized soon because of a misbehaving appendix, so right now hospitals are on my mind more than anything else). There is a chance you will be seeing the remainder of your family on a hospital visit, so you should be know how to co

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Sweet Ari Pidi – A Gentle Reminder of the Past

“God gave us memories so that we might have roses in December.”
Visits to my mother’s house were a fun filled, biweekly affair. We would spend the entire day in the quaint little village (not so quaint now), where each house stands in several acres of land and rubber trees and pineapple plantations dominate the scene. We used to meet up with my aunt and cousins at the bus stop, and the fun started from that point. My mother and aunt would reminisce about their childhood and home, and though we had heard their tales many times, we hung on every word. (Funny how most women are fiercely proud of their ancestral homes, especially after marriage, and nothing else feels so perfect.)
After getting off the bus, we would walk to the house, with my mom pointing out trees and birds, and telling me their names. Having spent many years of my childhood in the gulf, I used to be filled with wonder at the way everyone else could name a bird just by hearing its song, how every family in the area seemed