american · anise · appetizer · butter · chili powder · cinnamon · citrus · coriander leaves · cream · curd · easy · gluten free · honey · lemon · orange rind · ovo vegetarian · pineapple · pomegranate · seed · sweetener · tropical fruit · Uncategorized · Vegetarian · yoghurt

Roasted Pineapple Salad

If I could have my way, I would ban weighing machines and full length mirrors in all malls. There I was, having a good time, wondering what to snack upon next, when the hubby drew my attention to a weighing machine to see if his stint in the gym had any effect at all. He removed his sandals, stood on the machine, popped in a coin and waited with bated breath. I got to the piece of paper that popped out quicker than him, checked the readings quickly, had a good laugh about how the scales refused to move in his favour, and lectured to him about the kinds of exercise that could actually make some difference. He got irritated and asked me to weigh myself then. I went out like a light bulb as I looked at my reading, surely there had to be some mistake. But a careful scrutiny in the mirror, and I realized that the weighing machine might not be lying after all. I looked at the other women strolling about in their tight jeans and tees and felt a sudden urge to ban them as well.

All my anger and shock were forgotten as I sunk my teeth into a Chicken Maharaja Mac.

The next day, a couple of friends asked me to include some diet recipes on my blog. They complained that their exercises didn’t seem to do them any good. It bothered me that they were working out, but my mind chooses to quickly forget things that bother me, and I was back with a bounce to the joys of gluttony.

A few days later, I went home and my parents told me that I had put on weight. Ouch, ouch, ouch. It was pure agony, but I finally decided that I must diet and exercise. And that all good food that made life worth living must be restricted to once a week. Sigh.

So, I made this salad to start off. I have to say (grudgingly so) that it was quite flavourful.

  • Servings: 2-serving
  • Difficulty: easy
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If I could have my way, I would ban weighing machines and full length mirrors in all malls. There I was, having a good time, wondering what to snack upon next, when the hubby drew my attention to a weighing machine to see if his stint in the gym had any effect at all. He removed his sandals, stood on the machine, popped in a coin and waited with bated breath. I got to the piece of paper that popped out quicker than him, checked the readings quickly, had a good laugh about how the scales refused to move in his favour, and lectured to him about the kinds of exercise that could actually make some difference. He got irritated and asked me to weigh myself then. I went out like a light bulb as I looked at my reading, surely there had to be some mistake. But a careful scrutiny in the mirror, and I realized that the weighing machine might not be lying after all. I looked at the other women strolling about in their tight jeans and tees and felt a sudden urge to ban them as well.<br /> All my anger a


  • Cuisine: american
  • Course: appetizer
  • Cooking Time: 20 mins


300 grams Pineapple flesh , cut into large cubes
grams   30 Honey
1” Piece of cinnamon , coarsely crushed
1 Star anise (The prettiest of spices, I think)
11/2 teaspoons Orange rind , grated
half Juice of lemon
pinch Red chili powder A
1 teaspoon Butter (optional)
1/3 cup Pomegranate seeds
handful Coriander leaves , chopped
4 tablespoons Low fat cream or curd or yoghurt (optional)


  1. Place the cubed pineapple in a roasting pan.
  2. Heat the honey, cinnamon, star anise, butter (if using), orange rind and lemon juice in a pan gently and pour it over the pineapple.
  3. Sprinkle the chili powder over the fruit. Roast in a pre heated oven at 200 C for 25 minutes.
  4. Toss the pomegranate seeds and coriander leaves over the roasted pineapple.
  5. Serve with curd or yoghurt or cream if you like.

10 thoughts on “Roasted Pineapple Salad

  1. Yes, I finally got the new camera I have been longing for – courtesy , my brother, and I agree with you…The pictures look nicer.


  2. haha, ur post is so close to my thoughts! how i wish the whole concept of weight didnt exist, that would take care of all the tension everytime i stand on scales with fingers crossed! 😀 this is a fab recipe & i love anything roasted (brings out the sweetness doesnt it)… fab pics too, happy dieting 🙂


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