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Photography Exercise with Tomato and Mayo Sandwich

Aparna from My Diverse Kitchen has started an interesting series of photography exercises. In an effort to improve my photography, I decided to participate in the exercise as soon I read about them, but predictably, thanks to my organizing skills, or rather, my lack of them, I missed the deadline of the first one (Aperture and DoF). Anyway, the second exercise is on, I am on time this time (!) and you can find the details of “Less is More, So Let’s Keep It Simple” over here.

As the name suggests, the food photograph should have a minimalistic composition, using as few props as possible, so that you notice the food more than anything else. With just a couple of props, namely a glass of milk and a few coriander leaves, I hope my below photograph qualifies. Not only does a minimalistic image look better, but it also reduces expenditure in terms of props; a glass of milk comes at Rs 9 and a whole bunch of coriander leaves costs only Rs 1!!! I am one happy person πŸ˜‰

This recipe of Tomato and Mayo Sandwich is the one I had promised to share with you sometime back in my Sandwiched Omelette post. It is so easy to make, you are probably to turn up your nose at it. But do give it a try, and I shall gracefully give you an opportunity to thank me later.

  • Servings: 1-serving
  • Difficulty: easy
  • Print


  • Cuisine: american
  • Course: breakfast
  • Cooking Time: 10 mins


4 Bread Slices (I used white, sandwich bread)
4 tablespoons Mayonnaise
8 thick , Round tomato slices
8 Thin Round onion slices
2 tablespoons Chopped coriander leaves
2 tablespoons Butter , at room temperature
To taste, Salt


  1. Butter the outside of all slices of bread.
  2. Apply a tablespoon of mayonnaise on the inner side of each slice of bread.
  3. Arrange four slices each of the tomato and onion on two of the bread slices (the side on which mayonnaise is applied, silly), sprinkle over the chopped coriander leaves and some salt.
  4. Top with the other two slices of bread (mayonnaise side in, ofcourse).
  5. Place over a heated pan, and press the sandwich down with a large spoon so that the juices from the tomato mix well with the mayonnaise.
  6. When one side of the sandwich has browned to your liking, turn over and toast till the other side is brown as well.
  7. Serve warm.


PS: To read through a wonderful photography tutorial on Aparna’s site, click here.

6 thoughts on “Photography Exercise with Tomato and Mayo Sandwich

  1. Very delicious treat to eyes..yummy sandwich & nice clicks,Indu!!Ongoing Events at(Erivum Puliyum)-1. The Kerala Kitchen(June’12)2.EP Series-Basil OR Cardamom


  2. Thanks for joining us this month. The touch of coriander does brighten up your composition. And one can’t beat props for RS. 10! πŸ™‚


  3. came to your blog from food gawker seeing the kerala style chicken pic. really great clicks.. even the light on the sandwiches on the tava as well as the tomatoes… cool πŸ™‚


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