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Surviving with a Cricket Fan(atic) and a Recipe for Pan Fried Pizza

My husband warned me recently that he would need to be in control of the TV remote for a few days! He wanted to watch the Cricket World cup, it seems. This did not come as too much of a shock to me, because in a country where cricket is more of a religion than a sport, it is but natural to find fanatics everywhere. And with the ongoing World Cup, there is an increase in cricketing activity everywhere. There are so many kids (even more than usual) on the roads and streets playing the game with paper or tennis balls, small boards and writing files instead of proper bats, and wickets made of anything that can stand upright. You are more likely to find your colleague in front of the canteen TV than at his workstation and everyone wants to talk about the players and particularly exciting matches (not necessarily played in recent history). No ball, run or fielding action is spared a detailed post mortem. And isn’t it commendable how every product on the market can be linked to cricket/cric