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Soya Cutlets/Patties

Everyone knows that getting a child to finish his plate of rice and daal is every bit as difficult as building a space shuttle. But even tougher is getting a senior citizen to eat what is good for him. The moment you tell a diabetic patient that whole wheat roti is a healthy alternative to white rice, he obstinately pushes aside his rotis and demands nothing less than a bowl of biriyani. He steals chocolates when he thinks no one is looking, snacks on aloo samosas and jalebis when he goes on his “evening walk”, and eats most of the sugar laden, forbidden refreshments served to his guests, fully aware that his family is not going to lecture to him about his diet in their presence. (God forbid this ever happens, because the poor, well meaning family is NOT going to like what happens after the guests leave.)
Now, if people with, eh, such health issues formed a union in Kerala, their first task would be to ban soya in the state. I mean, have you ever tried telling them that soya was good