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Crazy Love and a Chocolate Cheese Cake !!!

I heard an anecdote that got me pondering about love and the games it plays on its innocent victims.

” A psychiatrist visits his patients at a mental institution he newly joined, while his nurse gives him a brief overview about each patient.

Room 1 is occupied by a man, staring out of the window with a sad and faraway look in his eyes. He repeatedly says Priya, as if it were a mantra that tethers him to life. The nurse explains that Priya was his lover, but he was unable to marry her, and this made him incurably crazy.

Room 2 is occupied by a man who is as violent as a mad man could possibly be. The doctor sees him throw things around, yell and shout, and tear at his hair in anguish. The nurse explains, “Now this man here got married to Priya”. “

I do not know where you belong, but if you are in love, you are bound to find yourself in one of the rooms soon enough (even if it is only for short periods of time). On this happy and optimistic note, let me share the recipe of the chocolate cheese cake I made at home on Valentine’s Day, as a special treat for the man who drives me crazy.

  • Servings: 4-serving
  • Difficulty: easy
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I heard an anecdote that got me pondering about love and the games it plays on its innocent victims.<br />


  • Cuisine: american
  • Course: dessert
  • Cooking Time: 180 mins


120 grams Chocolate cookies
1/4 cup Almonds
45 grams Butter
15 grams Gelatin
125 ml Milk
125 grams Sugar
2 Eggs
200 grams Whipped cream
125 grams Cream cheese
50 grams Curd thick
3 tablespoons Unsweetened cocoa powder
1/2 teaspoon Vanilla essence
as required Water ,


  1. Blanch the almonds in hot water for a minute. Wash with cold water and slip the skins off.
  2. Put the cookies and almonds into a plastic bag and and bash with a rolling pin so that you have a coarse mixture. Alternately, you can chop the almonds instead of powdering them.
  3. Melt the butter in a pan, and add the powdered cookies and nuts.
  4. Mix well, so that everything comes together.
  5. Butter a springform tin well. Fix the base of the tin inside out, to make it easy to remove the cheese cake. Press the cookie mixture onto the tin base.
  6. Mix the gelatin with some water and let it rest for around 15 minutes. Melt the gelatin by double boiling.
  7. Boil the milk, and dissolve the sugar in it.
  8. Remove from fire. Once it has cooled down, add the egg yolks and mix well. Heat on a low flame, stirring continuously.
  9. Add the melted gelatin to this custard.
  10. Beat the whipping cream, cream cheese, sieved cocoa powder and vanilla essence well.
  11. Mix it with the custard and pour into the cake mould, over the cookie mixture. Let it set in the fridge for at least two hours.
  12. Place the tin on a flat work surface, and remove the ring carefully. Run a knife beneath the cookie base, and the transfer the cake to a serving plate.

I wanted to top the cheesecake with whipped cream, but ran out of it (whipped cream is pretty expensive here). Moreover, the cheesecake will do wonders to your waist line even without the additional cream.

12 thoughts on “Crazy Love and a Chocolate Cheese Cake !!!

  1. aaawwwww…such a wonderful post. i loved this…i think i’ll get going a separate folder for cheesecakes..a lot of them here and there.i get a very nice and warm feel abt your blog…tht makes me drop by consistently.thank you for the recipe.


  2. i cannae copy paste this on MS word. it comes in broken wavy lines…solution??same happens with


  3. Munnu, thats when she will lose her passion to do this :)Indu, interesting that you use curd, here onstead its sour cream, milder in taste.You can make your own whipped cream by whipping some heavy cream.I dont like cheesecake, yet my waist is none the better :(Sent from my iPhone


  4. Thanks munnu and Acha….Toney, I checked some shops here. Could find only imported whipped cream, and I could not find heavy cream at all:( . And your waistline is not that bad 😀


  5. Sounds wonderful. What brand of cream cheese do you use? Possibly should ask where you blog from Indu. Haven’t seen local cream cheese here in India!


  6. Thanks for visiting Deeba…I blog from Bangalore, India. Used imported cream cheese. Once I started searching for it, I found it was available in lots of places like More (the huge ones), Spar, Star etc. Could not find local cream cheese either.


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