bean · breakfast · broth · butter · capsicum · carrot · Chicken · chicken stock · chilli · coriander leaves · ghee · legume · lemon · lemon juice · medium · mustard seed · noodle · onion · ovo vegetarian · pepper · pulses · salt · south indian · stock · Uncategorized · Vegetarian · vermicelli · water

Vermicelli Uppuma

After Prithviraj’s good looks, KK’s soulful voice and bottles of Nutella, the Work from Home concept may be the best gift ever given to womankind. Imagine being at home, humming a merry tune and watering your plants as your friends huff and puff to get to their bus stop. A hot cup of fresh tea made just to your liking and the day’s newspaper on your balcony while the others wrinkle their nose at the overly sweet cardamom tea that a mindless machine makes. A clearer mind while you work because you didn’t have to get up at an ungodly hour to prepare the day’s meals and pack them. Instead, you would be doing the cutting, chopping, sauteing and roasting as you attend your calls or wait for the program run to be over. The breaks are not spent in the pantry but reading a book to the little one. The little one, who incidentally doesn’t suffer from nappy rashes anymore because you get to change his diapers on time, unlike the nanny you entrusted him to. The world is at peace and while you may

almond · butter · cardamom · cashew nut · cream · Dessert · easy · ghee · kerala · Kerala Cuisine · milk · noodle · nut · Onam Recipe · ovo vegetarian · pistachio · raisin · sago · sugar · sweetener · Uncategorized · vanilla essence · Vegetarian · vermicelli · water

Semiya Payasam – An Easy to Make Sweet From Kerala

Men in our country are in general male chauvinists. When a woman demands that her husband treat her as an equal, a friend, (with some romance thrown in, ofcourse), would she be asking for too much? Well, if the demand is made of a man with an inflated ego (there would be no need to make such a demand of a reasonable man in the first place), it would definitely be asking for the impossible. But I do wonder if women are not to blame to some extend for this social setup. So many mothers expect their daughters to help with the house work, while their sons are allowed to play, watch TV or do school work. In many homes, parents are willing to dole out plenty of money on a boy child’s education, while that of a girl child is neglected or not given the same importance. Aval padichu collector agumo (Why spend on her education, she is not about to be a collector), would be the appropriate dialogue at this juncture. (Yes, I do watch a lot of Malayalam movies ;)). Yet again, the same mothers sear